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Friday, January 30, 2009

Jessica Biel stripe hot and sexy in Powder Blue

Powder Blue

Several Angelenos meet on Christmas Eve through chance, tragedy and divine intervention. Swayze will play the sleazy owner of the strip club where Biel's character dances. Redmayne will portray a mortician who falls in love with her. Kristofferson will play the head of a corporate crime organization who tries to convince his former employee (Liotta) not to seek vengeance on his former co-workers. Whitaker, who also serves as a producer on the film, will play a suicidal ex-priest. Newcomer Alejandro Romero will play a transsexual prostitute who shares an unexpected bond with the priest.

In her new movie powder blue, due out early 2009. She plays a stripper in the movie and according to earlier reports, she is supposed to have nude scenes, including a full frontal. The film that caused all the stir as Biel has signed a contract that explicitly details the bare minimum fans will see – including shots of her breasts (nipples from the front and side) and her butt (side view only)


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